Trinity United Methodist Church began as the
Seven Hills Methodist Outpost sponsored by Breckenridge Street
Methodist Church. The first service was held in the auditorium
of the Seven Hills Elementary School on March 6, 1960 with 52
people attending. The Church was officially organized on May 22,
1960 with 36 members and was received into the Louisville
Conference on May 27, 1960.
The present sanctuary and
education building were complete in 1963. Further construction
occurred in 1969 with the inclusion of a basement, and the
present fellowship hall was completed in 1985. At the charge
conference on July 29, 1973, approval was given to purchase the
building at 1501 Trinity Drive to be used as a parsonage. In
April 1978 an addition to the parsonage was completed. The
renovation of the sanctuary was completed in April of 1997 with
most of the work being completed by Church members.
The pastors of Trinity UMC have
James T. Walker 1960-62
Jack Keeney 1962-72
George Hobbs 1972-75
William Strickland June
Charles Hulse, July 1975
Thomas Eblen 1976-1984
Reid Thompson 1984-85
Lamar Mattingly 1985-1990
Ted Burke 1990-1997
Rob Hughes 1997-2001
Patricia Smith 2001-2005
Leighton Thomison 2005 -
Wayne Burt 2008 - 2009
Jess Russell-Stearns 2009 - 2011
Karla Fullwood 2011-Present
Trinity is a
mix of all ages. There are activities for senior adults and
young adults as well as for youth and children. Average
attendance for worship on Sundays is 55 with approximately 30
in Sunday school class.